Email us on: info@muslimhealthservice.comResearchTraditionally Muslim theologians were also scientists or at least at par with their counterparts in the scientific domain. Unfortunately, today there is a gap between Muslim theologians and scientists and a lack of communication of ideas. We are looking for dynamic and innovative doctors and medical students interested in research to investigate various aspects of Islamic Medicine and Medicolegal practice with the aim of sharing the benefits with the entire community. Please contact us if you are interested in this. You can find some of the research we have compiled here.MentoringMHS offers a comprehensive Mentoring Programme for healthcare professionals and students. Through this programme we hope to offer:•Support in balancing work and personal development and wellbeing•Opportunities to develop skills that allow individuals to become agents of change in patients' lives and in the community•Advice on faith related dilemmas at work•Career guidancePlease contact us for more information or to register your interest in becoming a Mentor in the volunteering section. Advice on Faith and Clinical PracticePlease contact us for specific queries regarding faith and clinical practice. You can email us to ask questions about caring for Muslim patients or balancing faith and work if you are a Muslim healthcare professional. All our queries are dealt jointly by a team of doctors and Islamic Scholars. We aim to answer queries in 48 hours in most cases.Career GuidanceCurrently MHS offers career advice to doctors, medical students and those considering entering medicine. This service is run by a team of senior registrars.Please register to use this service.We hope to provide careers advice to the full range of healthcare professionals in the near future. If you are a doctor or other healthcare professional and would like to contribute to this service, please visit our volunteering page.